Massage Business Advertising Ideas
There is a lot of competition in the Massage therapy industry. So, it’s important for businesses in this space to keep promoting their services to attract new clients and to help replace customers that naturally churn (customers who stop doing business with you).
Here are some of the best strategies we’ve found to help you advertise your massage business.
- Referral program
- Testimonials
- Shoot an intro video
- Website design
- Blog
- Host an open day or educational session
- Offer corporate discounts
1) Referral program
Running a referral program in your massage business can be extremely beneficial. If you decide to implement a referral program, ensure that you let every client know, this can be done by:
- Word of mouth
- Social media
- Flyers in studio
This type of massage advertising works particularly well as it keeps existing clients happy, whilst also attracting new ones.
2) Testimonials
It's easy to dismiss testimonials as a little old school, but the reality is, that they are very powerful tools that can increase your business’s credibility in extraordinary ways. In my opinion, they are more important than ever, and many businesses don't even bother to collect them. At Keepon we’ve been guilty of this ourselves in the past.
We can all be a little sceptical and we certainly don't believe everything we are told, especially when it comes to advertising. But we do tend to believe other people.
A testimonial means that the person giving it is putting their reputation on the line. If they give a testimonial and the business doesn't live up to what they have to say, their reputation is damaged. So, it is a very significant bond between the business getting the testimonial and the individual giving it.
A business that has a good number of current testimonials, from a diverse group of customers, is much more appealing to potential customers than one without. It's kind of like other members of the tribe have tested the business for you and given it two thumbs up, so your risk is reduced.
What is the best way to ask for testimonials?
Many business owners really struggle with asking for testimonials. There is almost a sense of embarrassment around asking for them, perhaps some concern that people will think their business is not doing so well. This is the first hurdle to overcome. You have to believe in the importance of testimonials and always be prepared to ask for them.
Here is a suggested script by Andrew Griffiths, serial entrepreneur and author at Inc.
"Mary I just wanted to say thank you for using my business. I really appreciate it. In fact I am really committed to growing my business and I would love more wonderful customers just like you. So can I ask you to refer your friends and could you possibly write me a short testimonial? Here are a couple of examples, just one or two lines would be great. Are you happy to do that now for me? "
This approach engages the customer and asks for their help. It is very persuasive and from my experience, most people are very happy to give a testimonial on the spot. At the same time, you have asked them to refer other people to your business. This is also a great time to introduce your referral program if you have on.
Asking clients to write reviews on social media sites is a good move too. The best way to do this is to send them an email with a link to the sites, and specific pages, where you want them to comment. Make it as easy as possible for people to write the review, something often overlooked.
Be mindful of course as you don’t want to pressure someone after you’ve just helped them relax but don’t let that stop you or be an excuse for not gathering them (GRIFFITHS, 2020).
3) Shoot an intro video
You’re always going to get people who are resistant or feel uncomfortable about getting a massage for whatever reason.
One way to overcome this is by shooting a video that shows exactly what you do. It not only serves as an inside view of your business but gives an introduction to you and possibly your great team of massage therapists as well. It’s important to ensure that the video is well-made and edited to focus on your strong points. You want to showcase a clean facility, great location, and professional staff.
I would definitely suggest hiring a professional to do this for you, as it’s well worth the cost. Once your video is ready, maximise its visibility by sharing it across all social media platforms. I’d suggest uploading it to YouTube and embedding it on your website. You could also use it to run an advertisement on YouTube as well.
4) Website design
You’d be surprised how many massage therapists that have a great business, but a cheap, awful looking website. Which just should not be the case in the current technological world we are living in.
Take a look at some local competitor’s websites and compare them to yours. If you need some further design inspiration take a look at Pinterest or even a website templates on Envato Market.
At the very least you must have online booking setup, which is a quick and professional way of getting up and running without much effort and you can also imbed the link your website as well.
Great looking website design and some solid content (refer to next suggestion) can strengthen your search rankings and convince more people to book a service.
5) Blog
Blogging is great to generate new leads and for marketing your business as a whole. Why do you ask?
Well just like this article you are reading it helps to provide value for your readers by answering questions and providing solutions to problems for them, thus, in turn, helping you to develop relationships with more potential clients and or develop a deeper relationship with your existing customers.
It can also help to boost SEO (search engine optimization) meaning you come up more often when people Google certain things terms or phrases.
Deeping on the angle you take it can also help to establish your business as an industry leader.
If you create great blog content it can also create opportunities for sharing and further exposure for your business, so if you do decide to do this make sure you put in the time and effort.
Not sure what to write about? To help get those creative juices following, here is a great list of things you might possibly want to blog about.
6) Host an open day or educational session
When people consider the benefits of massage, most just think of relaxation. Massage can of course also minimise anxiety, relieve headaches, help injuries, and much more.
Hosting an open day or educational session is a great way for massage therapists to show the full range of treatments that they offer and impart some wisdom. You can help people understand the many benefits that regular massages can bring to their lives. It’s a chance for you to get to know the community you’re serving, and them to know you.
When it comes to promoting the open day, create a Facebook event in the weeks prior, and to send a mass email to your client list. Post across your social media pages as well. For added exposure, if you have a team make sure to ask them to promote it on their social media pages as well.
7) Offer corporate discounts
Wellness initiatives are a staple part of many company health policies nowadays. Which is a great opportunity for you to develop some great corporate partnerships with big accounts!
Get things started by approaching local corporates, obviously, explore your network first to try and make this easier with an introduction but keep in mind that your attention should be on the HR department, not just any random employee. Once in contact with the right person, ensure you have a compelling proposal or pitch prepared, ideally customised to some degree to their business.
If you can’t close them as a paid partner (where the corporate pays you), you could even suggest setting up a portable massage table in a meeting room for a day and offer your services at the office either paid or as a trial. This could still generate a very decent amount of business.
Final words
It’s a competitive landscape in the Massage therapy industry but hopefully, by taking action on these tips and suggestions you can continue to thrive as a business.
Let’s know how you go? Is there is anything you think we should add? If you have any questions about these suggestions or need any help with your business please feel free to reach out to us.
- GRIFFITHS, A., 2020. Never Underestimate The Power Of A Great Testimonial. [online] Inc.com. Available at: