Try us out with a 14 day free trial
No credit card required
No credit card required
Unlimited clients
Accept payments
Free peace of mind
What you could save using Keepon
More administration means less time for everything else, now let’s work out what you could be saving by using Keepon.
Approx hourly rate
Hours spent on admin per week
- 2 hrs
- 4 hrs
- 6 hrs
- 8 hrs
- 10 hrs
Approx yearly savings$5,760.00
"I've been using it for approximately 3 months now and it has made things so much easier with running my business."
Marni89ADL - App Store Review
"The App of all Apps for PT's"
ChrisAuthentic - App Store Review
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You’ll be amongst some of the heaviest hitters taking payments today

Credit & Debit card pricing
Simple, clear pricing with the independant contractor in mind
- No set up or hidden fees
- No refund fees
- No new client fees
3.5% + $0.40
4.5% + $0.40
Disputes and charge backs $15.00
Fee calculator
If you're thinking about accepting payments with us, the least we can do is give you context on your situation
How soon do I get paid?
Are my details secure?
What cards are accepted?
Do I need extra hardware to take credit cards?
Can I import existing clients from my phone?
Are the fees charged to my client or me?
Can I export my finances come tax time?
Do you integrate with Xero or other accounting software?
who want more than the 9-5