Overcoming career plateaus as a fitness professional
Plateaus in a career are as common as fitness plateaus our clients experience. These “lulls” are neither good nor bad but are rather clues to the need for change. Do you need a change? Sometime to shake-up the status quo? Here are some ways to address and overcome a professional plateau.
Imagine you’re driving down a road and you make an unintended turn or underestimate the distance to your destination. What do you (or in today’s world, your GPS navigation system) do? Recalculate the route. The same is true for the career paths we take. Sometimes we have to recalculate the route to get to where we are meant to be. It might include going left when nothing goes right. It might include a complete U-turn to backtrack. This doesn’t mean career failure. It does mean a chance for thoughtful reflection and to make career revisions where necessary.
Step 1 – Reflection
Overcoming the career doldrums is a process not a series of isolated events. There’s a necessary first step to take if you want to get to where you need to be. Start by asking yourself these 5 reflective questions:- Why do I feel stagnate or stuck? What’s changed? What’s stayed the same?
- Have I met my early career goals? If not, why? What are the barriers?
- What do I need to feel refreshed?
- Am I boxing in my talents? In what ways can I expand or grow?
- What do I want to learn? Is there a niche I can manifest?