Following-up with past clients
So your clients stopped working with you for whatever reason (hopefully you read my article on gathering feedback). Now lets fast forward a bit and imagine some time has elapsed and it’s time to reach out and see if they can benefit from your services again at all.
This really isn’t that complex it just requires you to take some action, by reaching out via phone, text (SMS / Social DM / Messenger / WhatsApp) or email.
Here are ideas for reaching out to them:
- Let them know you were thinking about them and how much you enjoyed working together
- Tell them know about a special or package you are running
- Ask them if they need help with anything
- See how their life is going for them, perhaps they stopped using your service because something was going on at the time, injury, death in the family, heavy workload etc. Let them know that you’re understanding that “life just gets in the way”.
- Let them know about an event you are running
- Tell them about a new product or service you have available or provide.
Whatever you say or however you reach out the most important thing here is just reaching out! Don’t overthink it! Don’t overcomplicate it! Just do it! Remember these are existing clients of yours who you have some form relationship with you and your services. Remember you are only trying to help them in some shape or form at the end of the day.